ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements |
© 2021 by ESP JETA |
Volume 1 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Ranjit Kumar Gupta, Sagar Shukla, Anaswara Thekkan Rajan, Sneha Aravind |
: 10.56472/25832646/ESP-V1I1P109 |
Ranjit Kumar Gupta, Sagar Shukla, Anaswara Thekkan Rajan, Sneha Aravind, 2021. "Utilizing Splunk for Proactive Issue Resolution in Full Stack Development Projects" ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements 1(1): 57-64.
With the help of various sources of unstructured and structured data like system and application monitoring streams, open-source knowledge capture, and on-demand simulation output, exascale data environments are quickly approaching. With storage prices so low, the challenge today lies in turning massive data repositories into useful information. Any company, organisation, or agency can use log data as a definitive recording of what's happening, and it's frequently an underutilised resource for troubleshooting and supporting larger business goals. For the purpose of combining and indexing any type of log or machine-generated information, including complicated multi-line application logs that are complex and unstructured, Splunk offers the best software in the industry. Any machine-generated data can be gathered, stored, indexed, searched, correlated, visualised, analysed, and reported on in order to quickly, reliably, and affordably discover and address operational and security issues. Nowadays, most businesses and organisations use Information Technology (IT), which is the use of networked computers, and physical equipment to create, process, and share electronic information. While one significant danger to IT-based networks and systems is cyberattacks. Every firm has information security procedures in place since an attack that succeeds has the potential to result in significant financial loss. Logging and monitoring are crucial security measures that shield an organisation from potential threats. Specifically, threat identification is an important method for locating invaders. In this research, we examine the threat hunting utility of the Elastic stack tool and contrast it with four other tools of a similar nature. When used in a large-scale setting, the Elastic Stack tool has been shown to be both cost-effective and efficient in identifying threats and breaches of security.
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Data Environments, Splunk Provides, Elastic Stack, Important Security, Log Data, Logging And Monitoring, IT, Operational Momentum, Large-Scale Environment, Cost-Efficient, Maintaining Research, Open-Source, Cyberattacks.