ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements |
© 2021 by ESP JETA |
Volume 1 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Gayathri.C, Venkatanarayanan.S |
: 10.56472/25832646/ESP-V1I2P103 |
Gayathri.C, Venkatanarayanan.S, 2021. "Design of implantable Flower Maze Structured Antenna" ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements 1(2): 7-13.
In this work, an original scaled down round labyrinth molded implantable recieving wire is presented for clinical field to be worked in clinical band. The biocompatible polyamide substrate (r = 4.3 and tan = 0.004) with 0.05 mm thickness has been utilized as both substrate and superstrate. The proposed radio wire is included with generally excellent scaling down with the elements of 7 × 7×0.1 mm3 by utilizing round labyrinth formed construction in radiator.The proposed receiving wire shows most - 23 dBiof an extreme addition in a skin apparition reenactment at the recurrence of 2.45 Ghz. A model of radio wire has been manufactured and the estimations are led in a flesh piece. The greatest SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) has been assessed for wellbeing security thought. The acquired edges are in the protected limit and fulfilledC95.1-2005 and IEEE C95.1-1999 security protocols.
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Antenna, Flower Maze.