ISSN : 2583-2646

Secured Low Power Wireless Sensor Network By Using Lion Optimization Algorithm

ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements
© 2021 by ESP JETA
Volume 1  Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Muhammadu Ansari, Sadamiro A. O
: 10.56472/25832646/ESP-V1I2P104


Muhammadu Ansari, Sadamiro A. O, 2021. "Secured Low Power Wireless Sensor Network By Using Lion Optimization Algorithm" ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements  1(2): 14-20.


Remote sensor organization (WSN) has been a subject of expansive assessment attempts in the new year’s, and has been particularly seen as a widespread and general strategy for a couple emerging applications, for instance, a continuous traffic noticing, natural framework and battle zone observation. Since these organizations oversee sensitive data, it is essential that they are made safe against various types of assaults, for occurrence, hub get, genuine changing, tuning in, attempting to guarantee obliviousness of organization, etc We meanwhile consider the security, lifetime and incorporation issues by sending sensor hubs and hand-off hubs in a cutting edge environment to take apart the multipath steering for overhauling security. This work presents one more procedure for impediment of flexible hubs in WSNs. The proposed approach relies upon the arrangement of a flexible fluffy and Lion Optimization Algorithm (LOA) joined directing structure. First proposed responsibility is to consider the rooms of the true environment as a fluffy sets made by bordering zones depicted by a Fuzzy Location Indicator (FLI). The FLI gives a fluffy linearization of the construction map in this manner the creation of a fluffy etymological model of the structure. The LOA advancement applied to find best effort way from fluffy for the security issue, trust degree evaluation used. Then, the sending issue is altered into a multi objective streamlining issue, which uses optimization . LOA is nature-charged up metaheuristic calculation for finding best sending.


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Wireless Sensor, Low Power, WSN, FUZZY LOA.