ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements |
© 2021 by ESP JETA |
Volume 1 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Ashok Choppadandi, Jagbir Kaur, Pradeep Kumar Chenchala, Akshay Agarwal, Varun Nakra, Pandi Kirupa Gopalakrishna Pandian |
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Ashok Choppadandi, Jagbir Kaur, Pradeep Kumar Chenchala, Akshay Agarwal, Varun Nakra, Pandi Kirupa Gopalakrishna Pandian, 2021. "Anomaly Detection in Cybersecurity: Leveraging Machine Learning Algorithms" ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements 1(2): 34-41.
Aim: Detecting anomalies is turning to be one of the focal areas in cyber defence system in the presence of numerous types of cyber threats. The research looks at multi-layer application of machine learning regimes in cyber security applications and particularly focuses on the anomaly detection which enables the computer to develop and respond to new threats, provide predictive and monitoring services.
Method: On the one hand, this work uses reliable methods like literature review and empirical analysis to scrutinize the effectiveness of ML methods such as anomaly detection in the proposed application area. Such unsupervised techniques for instance Random Forests, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and Neural networks may be applicable to organized sample sets with labelled information. The algorithms capable of operating without a supervisor like Isolation Forest, SVM (Single Class) and Autoencoder are employed when labelled data is not available. In addition to the use of supervised approach, seeded semi-supervised and ensemble methods are going to be further explored to boost algorithms effectiveness (Jeffrey et al., 2021).
Results: The experimental results from the benchmark datasets, e.g. NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15, illustrated the power of ML algorithms in the process of detecting anomalous traffic data. Random Forests have been best performing, having an accuracy of 92.7% and an AUC-ROC of 0.98 on NSL-KDD dataset. On this, unsupervised Isolation Forests did 91.2% Accuracy and 0.96 AUC-ROC values for UNSW-NB15 dataset. Lastly, aggregation algorithms combining the existing many algorithms also contributed to the final accuracy of 94.3% and AUC-ROC of 0.99 on the UNSW-NB15 dataset. In spite of these, problems such as data quality, feature engineering, algorithm selection, and explainability are still with us.
Conclusion: The study has demonstrated that ML-based anomaly detection may be a great technique for reinforcing cybersecurity practices. ML algorithms supersede the rule-based approach in their responsiveness to new cyber threats and in the identification of complex patterns. Ensemble and hybrid methods, which combine several algorithms or use domain knowledge, are seen as a hope for the real-world deployment of recognition security methods in practice.
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Anomaly Detection, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Ensemble Methods, Cyber Threats, Network Traffic Analysis, NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15.