ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements |
© 2021 by ESP JETA |
Volume 1 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Venkata Nagesh Boddapati, Eswar Prasad Galla, Janardhana Rao Sunkara, Sanjay Ramdas Bauskar, Gagan Kumar Patra, Chandrababu Kuraku, Chandrakanth Rao Madhavaram |
: 10.56472/25832646/ESP-V1I2P116 |
Venkata Nagesh Boddapati, Eswar Prasad Galla, Janardhana Rao Sunkara, Sanjay Ramdas Bauskar, Gagan Kumar Patra, Chandrababu Kuraku, Chandrakanth Rao Madhavaram, 2021. "Harnessing the Power of Big Data: The Evolution of AI and Machine Learning in Modern Times", ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements, 1(2): 134-146.
There has been a tremendous shift in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) due to the fast development of big data analytics. Today, and particularly in recent years, we are witnessing the increase in volumes of data originating from social networks, IoT devices, and enterprise systems which have offered the chance to develop more complex and precise AI and ML models. This paper aims to discuss the development of AI and the use of ML, which occurred due to the availability of immense datasets. It also looks at how data availability has helped these novelties gain more accuracy, efficiency, and versatility.
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Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Analytics.