ISSN : 2583-2646

Multi Objective FSSO Optmized Vertical Handoff Algorithm for Software Defined Access Network

ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements
© 2022 by ESP JETA
Volume 2  Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2022
Authors : Jerry James, Sakthi Murugan, B. Vadivel
: 10.56472/25832646/ESP-V2I2P104


Jerry James, Sakthi Murugan, B. Vadivel, 2022. "Multi Objective FSSO Optmized Vertical Handoff Algorithm for Software Defined Access Network" ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements  2(2): 15-21.


The possibility of programmable organizations has presently re-picked up significant speed because of the rise of the product depicted Networking (SDN) worldview. SDN, every now and again known as a "revolutionary new idea in systems administration", vows to emphatically work on local area the executives and empower advancement through network programmability. Vertical handoff is viewed as a vital period of SDNs to sup-port cell clients switch between organizations of different Radio access innovation's. it's far planned under the thoughts of improving the pleasant of-supplier necessities and device help usage. on this artworks, we build a multi-objective advancement rendition for vertical hand-off to clear up the issue that ongoing vertical handoff calculations do now not thoroughly remember the impact of clients and the organization all through handoff process. The metaheuristic set of rules of squirrel inquiry improvement (SSO) is utilized to cure the handoff issues in SDN. The proposed form is carried out utilizing python environmental elements and broke down as far as throughput, impeding and bundle dropping possibilities.


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Network, Software, FSSO.