ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements |
© 2023 by ESP JETA |
Volume 3 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : E.N. Aneke,I.I. Eneh,J.C. Iyidobi |
:10.56472/25832646/JETA-V3I1P101 |
E.N. Aneke,I.I. Eneh,J.C. Iyidobi, 2023. "ANN Based Voltage Stability Enhancement and Voltage Collapse Reduction in Stressed Multi-Bus Network using Controlled STATCOM" ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements 3(1): 01-06.
This study aims to increase voltage stability and reduce voltage collapse in the 44-bus 330KV grid transmission network in Nigeria. The reduced Jacobian matrix, JR, has been decreased, and the modal approach uses steady state mode to determine the smallest eigenvalue and all related eigenvectors. In PSAT-MATLAB, the network model was created, and load flow was implemented on the network. Results and analysis indicated that the 44-bus grid network in Nigeria was unstable because eigenvalues with a negative real portion were detected in the modal analysis of the data. The vulnerable buses were also found to be the Gombe, Damaturu, and Yola buses since their voltage profiles were below the 0.95pu IEEE standard voltage limit. Based on a review of the contributing factors, the Yola bus was identified as the least reliable bus. In order to provide compensation prior to the implementation of the contingency, ANN controlled STATCOM was attached at this bus. According to the results, when the network was stressed by doubling the loads on each bus, the connection of an ANN controlled STATCOM increased the network's voltage stability by 56.9% and prolonged the point of voltage collapse by 122% in comparison to the point of voltage collapse when STATCOM was not connected. The voltage stability of the 44-bus 330KV transmission power network in Nigeria was enhanced, and voltage collapse was minimised in the network during a contingency of significant rise in load on the network, according to the results of the study.
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PV Curve, Modal, Eigenvalue, Voltage Stability, Participating Factors, STATCOM.