ISSN : 2583-2646

Speed Control of BLDC Motor fed from Solar PV Array using particle Swarm Optimization

ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements
© 2023 by ESP JETA
Volume 3  Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2023
Authors : B. Vadivel, Dr. J. Karthikeyan, V. Kanagasubramanian


B. Vadivel, Dr. J. Karthikeyan, V. Kanagasubramanian, 2023. "Speed Control of BLDC Motor fed from Solar PV Array using particle Swarm Optimization" ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements  3(1): 62-73.


Brushless DC Motors have recently discovered frequent usage in industrial applications due to their advantages over other AC motors. This paper basically talks about the speed control of a BLDC motor fed from a standalone Solar PV system with perturb and observes the MPPT method to extract the maximum efficiency. The Particle Swarm Optimization technique has been used to find the optimized result for the PID controller. The end result shows the PSO controller controls the speed of the BLDC motor quite well.


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Solar PV Array, P&O, MPPT, PSO, BLDC motor, PID Controller.