ISSN : 2583-2646

Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for Radar and 5G Applications

ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements
© 2023 by ESP JETA
Volume 3  Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2023
Authors : Osman Diriye Hussein, Anisa Ali Hussein


Osman Diriye Hussein, Anisa Ali Hussein, 2023. "Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for Radar and 5G Applications" ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements  3(1): 74-86.


From IG to 4G, there have been four generations of advancements in mobile wireless technology. The use of the internet by more people is currently causing growth in wireless communication technology. Higher data rates are drawing a lot of attention due to wireless transmission's lack of flexibility, poor quality, lost connections, and insufficient coverage. The current (4G) generation of wireless connectivity is unable to satisfy customer needs. At the moment, several mobile technologies operate on the 900, 1800, 2100, and 2300 MHz frequencies. Low frequencies result in extensive coverage and minimal attenuation. 5G wireless communication research has been implemented to address this issue. The new version (5G) has several key benefits, including a larger bandwidth, improved cell resolution, and the capacity to offer tens of thousands of users data speeds of at least one gigabit per second. Most 5G research takes place between 6 GHz and 100 GHz. One of 5G's objectives is to connect millions of devices. This technology might be used in smart homes. Higher frequency bands have recently seen a lot of scholarly interest in the development of Ku-band antennas (12-18 GHz). The Ku band is used for a variety of things, including broadcast satellite services, fixed satellite police radar systems, and television transmission over networks. Several literature reviews on Ku-band and 5G antennas have recently been published. Mobile phones use Microstrip patch antennas more frequently due to their small size, affordable price, and lightweight nature. Examples include biological applications, aircraft, satellite communications, radars, and more. A microstrip antenna has good return loss, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), and capacity. Patch antennas have a number of advantages, such as low weight, low profile planar design, inexpensive manufacturing, and microwave integrated circuit technology that enables integration. For the purpose of creating a microstrip patch antenna, the dielectric substrate has a ground plane on one side and a radiating patch on the other. Feeding is accomplished using an electromagnetically connected (EMC) microstrip patch antenna with a coaxial probe and a microstrip line. The E-shape microstrip patch antenna is ideal for wireless communications systems, medical applications, mobile phones, pagers, GPS, radar systems, and satellite communications systems, as well as military applications such as rockets, aircraft missiles, and other similar devices. One of the antenna types in the telecommunications industry that is expanding quickly is the microstrip antenna.


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IOT, Wireless Communication Network, Industrial IOT Application, IOT Smart Cities, IOT in Agriculture