ISSN : 2583-2646

Solar Powered Wireless Charging Station for EV

ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements
© 2023 by ESP JETA
Volume 3  Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2023
Authors : Jeyaramakrishnan.A.S, Ajay.M, Haja Farhaan.L, Marisan.S, Selvakumar.S


Jeyaramakrishnan.A.S, Ajay.M, Haja Farhaan.L, Marisan.S, Selvakumar.S, 2023. "Solar Powered Wireless Charging Station for EV" ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements  3(1): 110-113.


The rapidly changing industry moves from IC engine vehicles to EV's. India's government intends to have only electric vehicles by 2030. Large scale of charging infrastructure is required to make EVs widely accepted, as charging time is the primary obstacle to EV adoption. With the widespread use of electric vehicles, the current power supply may experience significant instability. The "SOLAR POWERED WIRELESS CHARGING STATION FOR EV" project uses power from renewable energy source rather than conventional grid power. Solar energy is converted to electrical energy, which is then stored in a lithium-ion battery storage unit. A wireless charging system will be established with the storage battery unit. This stored energy is utilized to charge EV’s through wireless power transmission. The whole process is automated through use of RFID technology in relation with arduino uno processors thereby eliminating any manual interruption for charging of the Electric vehicle.


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Solar, Wireless Charging Station, EV