ISSN : 2583-2646

Analysis of Various Techniques and Methodologies for Heart Disease Prediction a Review

ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements
© 2023 by ESP JETA
Volume 3  Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2023
Authors : Rajendra L Gaike, Vandana Malode


Rajendra L.Gaike, Vandana Malode, 2023. "Analysis of Various Techniques and Methodologies for Heart Disease Prediction a Review" ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements  3(2): 24-34.


One of the most important organs for the normal operation of our body is the heart. A WHO investigation revealed that cardiovascular diseases consistently account for 31% of deaths worldwide (CVDs). Additionally, low- and middle-income nations like India account for more than 75% of these deaths. Predicting whether or whether CVDs will occur inside a mortal body is the key challenge. There are many medical devices that can be used to diagnose heart diseases, but they have drawbacks such as being extremely expensive and not being able to accurately predict cardiac conditions (10). Age, coitus, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and diabetes, as well as other lifestyle factors including rotundness, eating unhealthy foods, not exercising as much, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. In this proposed research work the review of the different prediction techniques and methodologies have been enlightened with various research literatures. This will give the analysis of the different technologies.


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Heart Disease Prediction, Cardiovascular Diseases, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Deep Learning, Fuzzy Logic, Data Mining, Genetic Algorithm, Arrythmia.