ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements |
© 2023 by ESP JETA |
Volume 3 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : Jansi Sophia Mary C, Harinitha J, Bhuvneshwari M |
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Jansi Sophia Mary C, Harinitha J, Bhuvneshwari M, 2023. "Implementation of Smart Online Shopping Application for Idhaya Hostellers" ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements 3(2): 46-51.
Smart Online Shopping Application for Idhaya hostellers is a web-based application. The students of Idhaya Engineering College for Women, who belong to the Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) are running Idhaya Hostel Canteen. In order to develop the Entrepreneur mindset, the interested students join and run the canteen. Stationery items, Toilet things, Costumes, Snacks, Fresh Juice and Food items are sold in the canteen. But the existing system is manual and paper-based work requiring students to queue for long periods to placeorders and get the service. The online shopping project is proposed to solve this problem and bring innovation to the existing system. Smart online shopping application allows students to order the items they need online and get them without standing in queues. Time-saving and user-friendliness are the main advantages of this Smart Shopping Application. Online shopping is fast gaining ground as an accepted and used business paradigm. Smart shopping apps include e-menu cards where students can get all the items they need (food items, notebooks, books, paper, stationery, etc.). In this project no need for paperwork. After placing the order, the details go to the EDC student, who takes care of the delivery of the item as early as possible. Students placing orders can pay the price of the ordered items online or directly as cash on delivery. This saves student’s time. As a result, there will be quick and user-friendly service for the students. No queues can be formed waiting for the item purchasing and manual support and usage of electricity will be reduced at large in all aspects.
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[3] "Hedonic Consumption;" by E.C. Hirschman and M.B. Holbrook (1982), was published in Journal of Marketing, 48(3), pp. 92–101.
[4] The nature of customer value by M.B. Holbrook (1994); "Axiology of services in the experience of consumption," in Rust, R.T., and Oliver, R.L. (Eds.), "Service Quality: New Bearings in Principle and Practise," savvy, New Cover Park, CA, pp. 21-71.
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EDS, Online Shopping.