ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements |
© 2023 by ESP JETA |
Volume 3 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : Sharda Kumari, Viraj Lele, Deepak Singh, Dhruval Shah |
:10.56472/25832646/JETA-V3I6P101 |
Sharda Kumari, Viraj Lele, Deepak Singh, Dhruval Shah, 2023. 5G and AI-Driven Process Control: Digital Transformation Boosting Agility and Effectiveness in Supply Chains, Manufacturing Systems & Telehealth Delivery ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements 3(2): 79-86.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has initiated a digital transformation, marked by the integration of 5G, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT). This paper investigates the potential of 5G and AI-driven remote process control to revolutionize manufacturing systems, enhancing their agility and effectiveness. By leveraging 5G connectivity and AI-based techniques, manufacturers can achieve unparalleled real-time communication, process monitoring, and decision-making. The paper explores 5G technology's complexities, emphasizing its benefits in low latency, high bandwidth, and network slicing for real-time remote process control. It also examines AI's role in tracking, diagnosing, optimizing remote manufacturing processes and telehealth delivery, focusing on machine learning, computer vision, and reinforcement learning applications. The analysis highlights the combined impact of 5G and AI in driving manufacturing systems' digital transformation. The paper assesses challenges and opportunities related to integrating these advanced technologies while showcasing successful implementations and pilot projects. It contemplates future prospects and implications of 5G and AI-driven remote process control in sophisticated manufacturing systems, identifying emerging trends, innovations, telehealth delivery effectiveness and research opportunities. The study provides valuable insights for researchers, technologists, and industry leaders aiming to capitalize on digital technologies' transformative potential in manufacturing and telehealth delivery.
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5G, Artificial Intelligence, Remote Process Control, Digital Transformation, Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Telehealth