ISSN : 2583-2646

Join as an Editor

Join as an Editor

We are committed to providing opportunities for our members to participate in all Society operations, in keeping with the Engineering society’s transparency and our strategy. As a result, all vacant posts on our Editorial Boards are available to membership expressions of interest.

Each Editorial Board has a different number of members, but most have an Editor-in-Chief who is nominated by Council, as well as a series of Editors elected by the Editorial Board. Members of the Editorial Boards serve for one to two years in each position and meet at least once a year to review the journal's progress and strategic direction. The Publishing Panel includes the Editor-in-Chief of each publication. We are committed to providing opportunities for our members to participate in all Society operations, in keeping with the ESP Engineering Society's philosophy of transparency and our strategy. As a result, all vacant posts on our Editorial Boards are available to membership expressions of interest.