ISSN : 2583-2646

Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

Plagiarism and Originality

The authors should make sure that their works are wholly unique and that if they have used the work and/or words of others, they have properly cited or quoted them. Plagiarism can take several forms, ranging from "passing off" another's paper as the author's own to copying or paraphrasing large portions of another's paper (without acknowledgment) to claiming results from other people's research. Plagiarism, in any form, is unethical publication behaviour and must be avoided.

  •  The research reported on should have been carried out in an ethical and responsible manner, in accordance with all applicable laws.
  •  Researchers should communicate their findings in a clear, honest manner, free of fabrication, falsification, or improper data modification.
  •  Researchers should make an effort to describe their methods in a clear and unambiguous manner so that their findings can be independently verified.
  •  Researchers should follow the publication guidelines, which state that submitted material must be original, not plagiarised, and not previously published.
  •  The authors should bear collective responsibility for the material they submit and publish.
  •  Individual contributions to the study and its reporting should be accurately reflected in the authorship of research articles.
  •  Sources of funding and potential conflicts of interest should be mentioned.
Publication in Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Forms

In general, an author should not submit articles to more than one journal or primary publication reporting essentially the same study. Submitting the same paper to multiple journals at the same time is unethical and improper publication behaviour. In general, an author should not submit a previously published manuscript for consideration in another journal. It is occasionally acceptable to publish certain types of articles in multiple journals if specific conditions are met. The authors and editors of the interested journals must agree to the secondary publishing, which must represent the source document's data and interpretation. In the secondary publication, the initial reference must be cited.

Sources and Acknowledgement

It is always necessary to give proper credit to others' efforts. Authors should reference publications that influenced the nature of the work they are reporting. Without the source's clear, written permission, information collected privately, such as through conversation, correspondence, or discussion with third parties, may not be utilised or publicised. Without the explicit written permission of the author of the workers engaged in these services, information collected in the course of confidential services, such as refereeing manuscripts or grant applications, may not be used.

ESP JETA strictly follows international ethical standards for publication to contribute cutting-edge quality research articles to the international scientific community. We follow the regulations of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) to identify and publish unique and original research articles.

Authors have to declare that the entire article submitted by them was not copied from any other sources or any already published material.

Authors should cite the referred articles properly to avoid plagiarism. If the project has been fund supported from any source, it has to be clearly mentioned in the article. All articles published in ESP JETA will be original research work if any article which is under progress in ESP JETA should not be submitted to any other journal.

If any article found a copy of an already published material, It will be considered as Intellectual fraudulence and subject to legal action.

The article will be immediately removed from the journal without any prior notice for the authors.