ISSN : 2583-2646

Waiver Policy

Waiver Policy

ESP Jeta Provides waivers on case to case to basis. We understand about the financial burden of researchers. We have goal to give a pathway of research and a spot light for the unique research methadology which should serve for society and common people welfare.

We can also understand that some researchers can get funding limitedly and in some cases there will be no funds for the research.In that cases the journal stands with authors and completely supports them.

In some more countries which has benn already sffected or by affecting by war situations or internal quarrels may can request for additional waiver of 5%. The authors from poverty countries such as Ethiopia, Gambia, Rwanda, Syria, Somalia, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Albania, Liberia, Mozambique, Niger, Malawi, South Sudan, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Micronesia, Republic of Congo, Kenya, Ghana, Srilanka, can avail net 50% of waiver from total article processing charges.