ISSN : 2583-2646

Integrating Energy-Efficient HVAC Systems into Historical Buildings: Challenges and Solutions for Balancing Preservation and Modernization

ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements
© 2021 by ESP JETA
Volume 1  Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Ankitkumar Tejani
: 10.56472/25832646/ESP-V1I1P111


Ankitkumar Tejani, 2021. "Integrating Energy-Efficient HVAC Systems into Historical Buildings: Challenges and Solutions for Balancing Preservation and Modernization" ESP Journal of Engineering & Technology Advancements  1(1): 83-97.


The case of retrofitting energy-efficient HVAC in historical buildings is rather specific in terms of challenges as well as potential benefits. This paper seeks to uncover the fine line between the preservation of the structural and aesthetic nature of heritage structures and the necessary introduction of contemporary HVAC technologies that work in harmony with the promotion of sustainability and energy efficiency. It is not enough to retain the looks and cultural message of historical constructions; circulation and utilisability of the constructions in today’s world should also be maintained. Since environmental issues are becoming ignorable, energy-efficient systems are crucial to mitigate costs and impacts. However, the retrofitting process is never easy owing to historical preservation codes, restrictions created by the existing building structure, and the threat that the latter poses to historical integrity. This paper also describes several concerns and issues to which solutions and strategies have been given to overcome these challenges, such as minimum invasion during installation, selecting a proper HVAC system, and incorporating advanced materials and technologies. Furthermore, this paper looks at the different cases where integration was possible and shows the advantages and possible disadvantages of the strategy. It also addresses the legal requirements on such intercessions of the general guidelines of the multifaceted interventions that require interdisciplinary cooperation to yield the best positive results. Lastly, this research confirms that the integration of historic structures into contemporary design solutions should consider the value of the former but not ignore the opportunities of the latter.


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Energy-Efficient Hvac Systems, Historical Buildings, Modernization, Retrofitting.